Pet peeve Asymmetrical maps

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Пишет General_Brass 29.4.14 01:28:

Пишет ChrisSchmidt 30.04.14 12:05:

Quote: Originally Posted by Kalphitis View Post
What is a huge problem for me is this: The location of powerups on the map. I have played in multiple Team Deathmatch games where my team has received 2 Damage Overcharges shortly after spawning. Both were on our side of the map. That places the other team at a significant early disadvantage.
I can peel back the curtain a bit in regard to the powerups. Possible powerup spawn points are placed in clusters. A cluster is typically in and around points of interest (anything from a series of scaffolding to an asteroid). Each map may have say 9 clusters, with 10-12 possible spawn points in each. Each team has at least 3 clusters that are on their side of the map, and the rest are shared with the other team. These shared clusters are always in the middle of the map.

As of now, only one powerup is ever active within one cluster at a time. Once it's picked up, the next will spawn in a pseudo-random spot within that cluster. The actual powerup spawned has a weight on it, to determine what to spawn. The shield, engine and weapon powerups have an equally very high chance of spawning, and damage overcharge has a very, very low chance of spawning.

This is true for all clusters except the 'super' cluster. There is one per map, and it's typically spawn points placed mostly in the center of the map, but sometimes one or two spread closer to either team's side. This super cluster only spawns damage overcharge powerups, ensuring there is almost always at least one up during the match (aside from respawn time once it's picked up).

So, for what you observed, the natural damage overcharge powerup spawned near the center of the map (but lucky for you, it skewed towards your team), and you had a very very rare second damage overcharge happen to spawn in a cluster on your side of the map.

This isn't the norm, but typically you should see powerups fairly evenly distributed throughout the maps, in terms of numbers of them closer to your side.

It's entirely possible one team has only weapon overcharge powerups and the other only has engine overcharge powerups, but all in all I think you'll find it's a pretty fair way of distributing powerups. One game you may have the advantage at the start, and the next the opposite team may.

I think that covers it. If you have any more questions about the fascinating subject of powerup placement, feel free to ask.
Пишет ChrisSchmidt 01.05.14 10:59:

Quote: Originally Posted by Armonddd View Post
Thanks for this. So, let me see if I understand this right:

Let's pretend there's a powerup cluster set around two asteroids. When the game says "time for a new powerup", it rolls the dice to see which powerup is spawned. Most of the time, it'll choose engine (which spawns behind asteroid A), shield (which spawns above asteroid B), or weapon (which spawns a few kilometers to the side of asteroid A). On rare occasions, it'll choose damage (which spawns between the two asteroids).

Close...when it's time for a new powerup, it rolls the dice to find a location to spawn it in the cluster. Let's say there's 8 possible spots. It decides on spot 3. Then it rolls the dice to decide which powerup will spawn at spot 3.

The super cluster, on the other hand, always chooses damage overcharge. It has a fair number of places where the powerup can spawn (I get the impression it's somewhere on the order of 4-6 different spawns), all of which are mostly to the center of the map, or perhaps slightly skewed to one side or the other.
The super cluster typically has more possible spots than a normal cluster. If I recall on the asteroids map, there are something like 12-15 possible spots. Most are in the center (and typically explore verticality a bit) but some are in a larger radius around the center.

Would it be theoretically possible (though statistically improbable) for a match to start with only damage overcharges on the map, or are some clusters incapable of spawning DO?
Yup. I wanted to leave a very small chance any normal cluster could spawn damage overcharge so there's always a reason to look for a powerup once you get the gist of where the different spawn areas are.

In general, placement isn't very random. You'll notice patterns typically. In Kuat Mesas for example you'll find most spawn points are on top of small mesas, under or on top of arches, in doorways, and typically in the mid to lower sections of the map vertically. It's tempting to fly up into open space, so the powerups are trying to draw you back down, while providing a bit of cover using the environment to boot.