2.8 PTS DPS Log Thread

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Пишет TaitWatson 8.5.14 13:32:

Пишет TaitWatson 08.05.14 13:56:

Quote: Originally Posted by a-n-i-k-i View Post
Which format ?
The original text file, a Torparse.com link ? Or just the final DPS result ?
I'm not sure to understand.
You can delete this message if the answer is somewhere ^^.
Good question! Let me ask what they would prefer!

Edit: A Torparse link or the raw data would be preferred. It would also be helpful to list the Level of the equipment you're using.
Пишет TaitWatson 08.05.14 13:32:

Hey everyone!

The combat team would like to see your DPS Logs from the PTS!

If you would like to share, post your results in this thread. Please keep this thread "logs only" and post any specific feedback you have in one of the Focused Feedback threads or by starting a new discussion.


Пишет RobHinkle 21.05.14 07:04:

Hey Gang,

I just wanted to say thank you for everyone who has been posting logs (along with their AMR, etc.) in here. It has been a pretty big help on making sure we are getting things where we want (along with better planning for what classes need to come up in the next patches).

I imagine this trend will continue for every PTS patch now, where we will have a fresh log thread.

Thanks again!