DPS buff race getting out of hand?

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Пишет cs_zoltan 5.5.14 06:32:

Пишет RobHinkle 05.05.14 11:55:

This is an interesting topic, and one that the team I actually have spent a little time discussing this past week with the 2.8 stuff. I feel like we probably have fallen prey to mostly buffs because it makes people happy, and we've pushed our target DPS values for classes higher than the underlying combat theory on what the system expects. I think you will start to see some of that realization a bit as we try to be a little more careful about pure dps buffs (and some of the things we've done in round 1 of 2.8 patch are going to get ratcheted back a touch), and then we will need to decide what to do about the already live classes that are performing too well. It's easy to say just start swinging the nerf bat, but that really isn't a great solution. In a perfect world we will be able to make a bunch of small steps in a bunch of places (survivability, defense, threat, DPS, HPS) and get us to a better equilibrium, it is just going to take us awhile to get there.

Food for thought, for sure. I wish I had a good magic bullet.