ETA on Faction Change and Cost
General Discussion

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Пишет Superman_AZ 12.5.14 08:38:

Пишет EricMusco 13.05.14 09:04:

Hey folks,

This is a good question! We have been asked this a few times at some of our Cantina Tours as well but I wanted to make sure we had the answer here in the forums for folks to be able to find it.

I am remiss to ever say the word never, but I can say that it is very, very unlikely that we would ever implement any type of Faction change. As some others have alluded to in this thread, a very many things are tied into your characters Faction, and the choices they have made throughout their story. Due to that, having your faction change has a lot of impact on many things, not only from a story sense, but also technically involving your character.

Because of that, it is very unlikely we will ever implement Faction change.
